Empresa Instaladora

Your licensed electrician at the Costa Blanca

For your estate

· What is the energy certificate for existing estates?

The energy performance certificate (Certificado Energético) is a document which characterizes the energy consumption of a building. There are 7 energy classes (A - G) in which A is the best and G is the worst class. The classes are shown in the same way as you already know it from electric devices.

· For what you need the energy certificate?

If you want to rent or sell a property, from 1 June 2013 it is necessary to submit this energy certificate to the tenant or buyer . So the prospect can see how high energy costs are about. In addition, proposals are made on how to improve the energy class.

Public buildings with over 500 m2 must show this certificate also be from 1 June 2013.
All other buildings will follow in stages until 2015.

· Where you get the energy certificate?

The energy certificate you get from us. To issue this, a site visit will be areed and we would measure the house/apartment, the walls and windows, the current, water and gas consumption will be considered.
Based on the recorded data, calculations are made and lead to the concerning energy class. After the calculations you will get an official certificate.

· What does the energy certificate cost?

The costs for the energy certificate depend on the type of the building. Whether it is a flat, penthouse, duplex, single family home, and then also from the square meters of the building.
If you want a free, non binding quote, please let us know what kind of building it is and how many square meters it measures.


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